created by Bob Glouberman, Larry Toffler, and Derek Taylor Kent
This is the treasure hunt that accompanies the novel KUBRICK'S GAME. You may be able to complete this first round without reading the book, but any version of the book will be useful to unravel subsequent puzzles.
This is a game for all readers to play.
If you’re reading this, play has already begun.
Six different puzzles each month to the day
Need to be solved for the game to be won.
Below is a clue for your brain to unravel,
Followed by tasks that will need to be done.
It may take some time and a wee bit of travel,
But nothing so daunting it shouldn’t be fun.
You’ll need all your cunning, and maybe a friend,
But no disadvantage for playing as one.
The rules of the game are explained at the end,
With leaders announced on the first the month.
What is the prize if you win and don’t perish?
A treasure that all fans of Kubrick will cherish.
Points will be awarded after completion of each puzzle, with those finishing first awarded more points.
Side tasks and puzzles will be available to give all players a chance to catch up.
Bonus points will be awarded for exemplary completion of a task.
First to complete: 10,000 points
Second: 9,000 points
Third: 8,000 points
Fourth: 7,000 points
Fifth: 6,000 points
Sixth through 100th: 5,000 points
101st and onward: 4,500 points
SIDE PUZZLES and tasks: Points vary. They will be posted on the same day that the leader board is updated or shortly after.
BONUS POINTS for exemplary completion of tasks/puzzles: 100-1,000 points. (will be clear in instructions). Sign up for Fan Newsletter at the bottom of the Home Page to receive 500 Bonus Points immediately. 500 Bonus Points for writing an Amazon review. Email Derek@DerekTaylorKent.com to notify us of your review to receive your bonus points. Positive/Negative review will not affect your points.
THE GAME is designed to be played by anyone, most anywhere in the world. You can play as an individual, or you may also play as a team with other players. The puzzles and tasks will get progressively more difficult. Each round will involve solving a clue that will lead you to a destination either in the real world or online (note: any travel will be local. IE - Go to a bus stop/Go to a restaurant). You will then have to solve a puzzle or complete a task to move on to the next round and be awarded your points.
NEW CLUES for the puzzle will be revealed the 26th of each month (excluding December). September 26, 2016 is the reveal date of the first clue.
Any CHEATERS will be immediately disqualified.
You will be guided with instructions after each puzzle and notified of your place in the game.
LEADERS will be posted beginning November 1, 2016 (possibly earlier), followed by updates on December 1, February 1, March 1, and April 1.
THE END DATE of the game will be determined soon and will depend on the number of teams competing.
PRIZES will be valuable/historic pieces of Stanley Kubrick memorabilia. If book sales are strong, the prizes will certainly become more valuable. You will have to solve up to PUZZLE #5 to uncover the prizes. In the book, the prize at the end was a mystery, and so shall it be with this game. TOP PRIZES will be awarded to the TOP THREE winners with secondary prizes awarded to the TOP TEN, which might be signed books, t-shirts, and social media recognition. The TOP WINNER will have a choice of grand prize offerings, and I am confident that there will not be any disappointment.
NAME your team (or yourself). It can just be your own name or you can come up with a clever team/individual name if you wish to be anonymous.
UPDATES and any changes to the game will be posted on this page if necessary.
If you sign up for the FAN NEWSLETTER at the bottom of the DerekTaylorKent.com home page, you will be eligible to receive a HINT for each puzzle. You will also receive 500 BONUS POINTS.
Good luck!
From Ai to the shiNing, from Two thousAnd and one to dr. Strangelove, from sparTacus to lolIta, from Clockwork oRange to pAths of glory, no director in history has given the Cinema more Enigmatic masterpieces than Director stanley kubrick. Over his Turbulent Career, kubrick produced an Oeuvre that gained him the nickname of the Maestro. So what if this Legendary Artist hid a priceless treasure away Somewhere and left clues to the location within his movies, Hidden away in plain sight? KUBRICKS GAME asks this very question and the answer will blow you away.
Having trouble? Clue will be revealed at the end of the audio book, or you can sign up for the Fan Newsletter at the home page for a hint.
1. Nick Harrison 216,100
2. Colin Blake 209,000
3. Ivan Wroe 187,300
4. Sunshine 182,900
5. Tim J Henley 169,600
6. Pseudo Nym 158,700
7. Rob Hubbard 154,200
8. Team Venture 147,600
9. Jeremy Hassinger 117,000
10. Robert Jenner 88,300
11. TJ9000 46,500
12. John F Yeats 30,500
13. GradyandJoker 27,300
14. Connor Wilbourn 18,900
15. John Bryan 16,500
16. Team McLovin 15,800
17. Ryan Riggs 10,200
18. Anthony Forrester 9,800
19. Andrew Robertson 9,300
20. Shiftmode.thx 9,100
Many at or below: 9,000
SIDE PUZZLE #1 - Go here. (500 points)
SIDE TASK #1 - Go here. (1,000 points)
SIDE PUZZLE AND TASK #2 - Go here. (2,000 points)
SIDE PUZZLE #3 - Go here. (1,000 points)
SIDE PUZZLE #4 - Go here. (2,000 points)
SIDE PUZZLE #5 - Go here. (2,000 points)
SIDE PUZZLES #6 - Go here. (5,000 points + more)