Scary School is one of the most popular and beloved book series for ages 7-12. Winner of many book awards, including “Funniest Chapter Book of the Year” from Children’s Literature Network, the four-book Scary School series will have you LOLing with frightful fun.
Written by 11-year-old “ghost writer” Derek the Ghost (AKA Derek Taylor Kent) and illustrated by renowned artists Scott Fischer, Revo Yanson, and Marcus Muller, each book in the Scary School series takes the reader into a very special school, where humans and monsters attend classes together for the first time. It’s a grand experiment by the optimistic Principal Headcrusher, herself a graduate of the famous school for monsters, Scream Academy, but everyone expects the school to be utter disaster. After all, who would think that Zombies, Vampires, Werewolves, Trolls, Ghouls, Skeletons, Giant Spiders, and Mummies could peacefully co-exist with humans? But much to the chagrin of the doubters, Scary School proves to be an unqualified success thanks to students like brave Charles Nukid, half-flower half-girl Petunia, Penny Possum, Ramon the Zombie Kid, Peter the Werewolf, Fred the Boy Without Fear, Lattie the Ninja Girl, and Jason Borhees. Together they prove that children don’t see outer differences, not even monster versus human, for it’s what’s inside of us that counts. (delicious guts!)
Scary School #1
Scary School #2:
Monsters on the March
Scary School #3:
The Northern Frights
My Homework Ate My Dog!
If you like Scary School, you’ll LOVE this spooky new chapter book by Derek the Ghost.
Purchase Autographed Editions at
Scary School #4:
Zillions of Zombies
Principal Mikey
A LOL STEM chapter book by Derek the Ghost. Watch what happens where 10-year-old Mikey McKenzie becomes principal of the school!
Please have fun exploring the school below. You can:
Tour Scary School
Meet the students and teachers
Take Ms. Fangs’ Quiz
Read Secret Chapters
Read Derek’s poem: “Twas the Night Before Christmas… at Scary School!”
Play a video game to test your monster catching skills. Scroll to the bottom of the page and push the button!
Contact Derek the Ghost and schedule a school visit or event appearance.
Purchase Derek’s books and get them signed & personalized!
Scary School on Accelerated Reader (AR) - 6 Points!
Shop for cool Scary School Merchandise
Tuhafliklar Okulu - Turkish Versions of Scary School by Hayalet Derek
Meet Derek the Ghost in person (see where he will be appearing next)
Hear Lenny’s Joke below
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