You will find the grand prize options on the other three pages. On this page you will learn how to complete this puzzle, what the consolation prizes are, and be able to get started on...
1. Write to with an explanation of the solution to Puzzle #5 so that we can confirm you did not solve it by simple trial and error.
The first player we receive a correct email from shall receive 25,000 points.
Second: 22,000 points
Third: 20,000 points
Fourth: 19,000 points
Fifth: 18,000 points
Sixth: 17,000 points
Seventh: 16,000 points
8th-100th: 15,000 points
2. Follow this link to Side Puzzle #6 and we shall look forward to a very fun month of puzzles and riddles!
Those finishing the game in places fourth through tenth shall receive a certificate of supreme accomplishment, social media recognition, plus their choice of:
1. A Kubrick's Game T-Shirt
2. A signed hardcopy of the book, personalized if you desire.
3. A free audiobook download of Kubrick's Game (can gift to a friend).
4. A signed copy of any other Derek Taylor Kent book ( - great gifts for kids
5. A special discount to Los Angeles-based Escape Room -- The Virus
All others to complete the complete the game will receive a congratulatory message on social media and a certificate of profound worthiness.